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Since this post, artistes and special agents have been added. 1 spy will show 1 level of a building, what about artistes and special agents. 1 spy can show a level 1 building, 20 spies a level 20 building........if a habitat has a 20 20 and a 17, 57 spies? What if there are more buildings? Will creature habitats spawn 1 creature, per building levels?
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artist has a little bit more than 2x power of the spy in terms or espionage
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Incomplete information from spying, resources "more than xxxx", units/city garrison "%", but buildings does not indicate anything is still missing or "unseen", in the report.
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Spying for buildings, other players PvP. Not sure why undeveloped ore deposits are showing? Housing and library showing as (promoted) level 1. Resource spots only showing as (promoted), no level?