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The ultimate guide to caves [SPOILERS]

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Would be realy nice with some helpful tips around the spike traps. They make the cave take like forever...

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
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Would be realy nice with some helpful tips around the spike traps. They make the cave take like forever...

traps are covered on last post page 2

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

After certain  delay ;P here comes the final part to the saga - "The Deadly Traps"

General notes:

1) They are really deadly (will kill a hundred units easily with one misstep...)

2) There are no triggers, only clues (yes, those meaningless stones...)

3) Among the clues there are 2 sets of 3 rows wide normal traps - you need to find 2 triggers for each, the usual way (don't use the pics below for guide on them, they are random and might be different each time)

There are 2 ways to go through the deadly traps:

1) Take your hero ONLY and go through by trial and error. Yes, you need to resurrect every time you chose "error" instead of "trial"

2) Try to figure out the clues... or use the spoiler below

Here is a concatenated screenshot of the clues leading to the deadly traps, each written above its stone (you may need to download the image to see the captions, but anyways you have them in the cave)

HINT 1 (for those who still want to figure it out for themselves, the hints will contain increasingly more spoilers - so try after each one :) )

As you can see, apart from reminiscence, there are 2 types of clues: numbers and sun clues (away from the sun and follow the sun). Each of them descibes different parts of the path:

1) sun clues tell you which direction to turn to

2) numbers tell you how many cells to move (after turning)


The hard part is figuring out the order of the clues, as they are scattered around. In general though, they follow the main cave path towards the traps themselves. Here is a screenshot with the order shown:


So now we have the clues in order, the only thing left is deciding which direction is given by which sun clue. Well, I don't know what was the original idea, but I understand it as follows: the sun goes from east through south through west to north and then east again - at least that's what people believed before Galileo... If you draw this circular movement on a map the sun goes clockwise. And so the clues mean:

1) Follow the sun - turn clockwise

2) Away from the sun - turn cunter-clockwise


Just to get you started, I have a screenshot of the first few steps - the number written is where you land after moving the required number of steps, and along the arrows are the clues for where you need to turn (you need to turn as if standing on the cell you landed on, then follow with the next number of moves). I take the first clue ("greet the closest one") as indication that instead of the first turn clue you have a clue that points you to stand in the gate before the first row.

Final HINT (or otherwords, a total spoiler)

If you still didn't manage to figure it out and you're tired of ressurecting, here's the whole path through the traps:

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Btw, after the changes to the travelling speed and therefore to quest locations' positioning on the map, the first post in this thread is largely invalid :(

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Can someone please update this thread with pictures of the trap buttons/activators that aren't broken links?

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Excellent article for help - too bad the images of the triggers for the traps are no longer available... 

Oval stone trigger for non deadly cave traps.

Edited 31 minutes later by . Reason: adding link to image. .
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote

Here is an image of the oval stone that you can press to trigger the traps in caves (not the deadly traps).

4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote


3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote


3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Cave secrets



Worth getting close, isn't it?

Am I just not doing it right or does this trick not work anymore? Been trying to get the fog to lift at this particular place but it just won't happen

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
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Sections with traps are easy to recognize - you encounter blocks of stone paving the path, like this:

If you step on one of those you quickly realise why it is a trap - well, if you were there with your hero only, you might not see the picture as you will most probably end up dead. On revisiting, you'll find nasty spikes waiting for the uncautious.

There are 3 ways of dealing with traps:

1. Take an army with the hero and walk them all together through the traps. Traps deal a certain amount of damage to random units so they will simply kill a couple of your troops (hopefully, not the hero). The larger the army - the lesser the chance your hero will end up dead.

2. Same as 1 but add healing units (sis of mercy, witchdoctors) - haven't really tried it out but some say the damage is smaller.

3. Finally you might try and find the trigger - it will activate the spikes without the need to step on them and a safe path will be revealed.

Generally, there is a trigger for every row of traps, except cases in which the path is obvious without the need to reveal all rows. For example here the first row of traps has been triggered showing one cell that is safe:

After stepping on that safe cell there's only one way to go safely - forward. Therefore you can be sure that the next cell will be safe. Since there are no more rows here, there will be only 1 trigger - no more are needed to find the safe path.

In cases where there are 3 rows, usually the 1st and 3rd have an associated trigger that you need to find. Again, the remainig path in between them can be figured out from the setting. For example:

After stepping on the safe cell in the first row there's only one way to get to the safe cell in the last row - so it has to be safe.

Triggers, triggers - but what exactly are we looking for? I have found 4 types of those, with the more difficult, longer caves sporting them in tricky places.

Type 1 - an oval stone in the floor of the cave. Here it is in a simple setting:

And here a bit more hidden:

There's one here in this picture as well, try to find it:

Type 2. A very similar oval, but placed in rocks or cave walls. A simple version:

More tricky ones:

There's one somewhere here too:

For the next 2 I have only 2 screenshots each, so they come with one easy example and one full view

Type 3 - a brick button

Type 4 - a stone button. This one is rare, but has been giving me the most headaches...

Fortunately, I have gotten the deadly traps among those above so once I manage to collage the screenshots I will post the final part of this guide.

no se ven las fotos/ i cant see the pictures

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Me either!

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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If you trace those rings out further into the world, on each multiple of 7 you will find a cave (well, only until the 28th). In principle - if you really have nothing to do and badly need a cave - you could send your explorers to uncover only the squares on those particular rings, but of course there's other interesting stuff in between :)

I did just that and, indeed, got the Small Cave on ring 7, but nothing on ring 14. I wonder if it will pop there later.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Thank you. You've been very helpful.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
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