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TT2 Update Log

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Fixed (need to check):

- now you can see in alliance member list (and in some other places) player online status.
now unable to use army busters when it is already inside enemy domain
- added plunder speed info to unit hint
- error message added when you trying to send reinforcement to enemy
- hero stats descriptions fixed
- hero skills hints now consists info about given effect
- unit damage hints corrected
- now when you trying to use some locked chest like Supporter's Pysanka, and some key required, appropriate hint message will added to confirmation popup (+ added images)
- politic screen fix (communality item order)
- bulat and zweistein portrait will show according to current epoch

Edited 3 hours, 32 minutes later by .
10 years ago
10 years ago

2014-09-08: Upgraded catapults and rams empowered a bit more.

10 years ago
10 years ago


- now "unit lost" value in reports shows again
- fixed hero experience requirements by level
- now in unit panel name will show only for humans
- other fixes
Here also description of online status mark
- dark green = online now
- light green = offline, was online during last 24 hours
- yellow = offline, was online during last 2 days
- orange = offline, was online during last 3 days
- brown = offline, was online during last 7 days
- red = offline during last 7 days and more

Edited 4 minutes later by .
10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Fixed rafts being unable to return from other players' towns;
  • Fixed a bug that allowed with a certain trick to put ships to one's hero flag army;
  • Fixed a minor bug causing occasionally wrong number of units been reported on the flag information panel;
  • Fixed flag following and auto-shelter mode occasionally been reset;
  • Sounds marking beginning of building construction and upgrade were added;
  • A dedicated music track is added for the cave in Opposition Hideout;
10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Hero load is now properly implemented which allows to utilise heroes for plundering resources.
  • Hero speed bonuses provided by pants/skirts are now working.
  • Visual presentation of fog being revealed by a hero is improved.
  • Fixed problems with Print Screen button experienced by many players.
  • Fixed abrupt closing of quest location immediately after a hero's death in a battle, now it is handled properly depending on the final result of the fight.
  • Some battle mechanics fixes, including rams and catapults of raiding armies attacking buildings against the rules.
10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Hero's bonus to army keeping cost (which is typically provided by belts) is implemented.
  • Hero's bonus to army movement speed (contributed by boots and other footwear) is implemented.
  • A few world map pathfinding issues are resolved.
  • Times of hero entering and leaving shelter, which have been broken since the prior update, are restored.
10 years ago
10 years ago


Keepers Village:

  • Fixed crash in Juliana conversation
  • Kanen: added response when player has more info on Bronze Sphere
  • Added lucky well and idol of fortune so those people who will loose their main town still have a place to spin.
  • Added some animals and items for them
  • Presumably fixed bug with flask cloning - needs checking.

Ruins of New Kyiv:

  • Hole in the border fixed at some locations
  • Lester moved in the main town to a place where he can't be covered by wall/palisade
  • Added another hint about sun seal
  • Corrected jounrnal entry to make more clear where Bronze Sphere is.
Edited 1 month later by . Reason: spelling error.
10 years ago
10 years ago



10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Building prices fixed to fit in strorage.
10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Espionage mechanics significantly redesigned.
  • Sending a single unit (or a tiny amount of units) does not reveal whole information about the town's defences any more.
Edited 20 seconds later by .
10 years ago
10 years ago


- chat, mini map, and other game panels now can be minimized
- report system internally redesigned (All existed reports have been wiped out).
- now diplomatic status must be researched in tech tree before use
other fixes

Edited 12 minutes later by .
10 years ago
10 years ago


  • towers now have lower population
  • catapults and rams now do damage slower (thus providing more chances to destroy some of them and decrease damage) - let us know if you were able to reduce damage by destroying some of them
  • ranking tab optimized - should load faster
  • some other tweaks related to upcoming medieval age addition.
10 years ago
10 years ago


- other fixes

10 years ago
10 years ago


Military buildings havve higher population now. This is necessary balance decision to distinguish military oriented and culture oriented towns better. Now military towns will have population compared to culture rate around 1:1. Balanced towns will have it 1:2, Towns heavily focused on culture will have it at 1:3. It will also be very important in alpha 4 when town capturing will be introduced in medieval age.

After military buildings population have increased it will be harder to manage big army now, but you will have to employ different strategy - one town will be "base" with the lowest population and maximized resource income where whole army could stay for a long time. Also fertile spots with 9 food buildings will become more important  along with world resources which increase food production. Finally catacombs in medieval age will allow you to split your army without drawbacks.

10 years ago
10 years ago


Protectorate "beta" version released. What is mean protectorate:
If you don't have alliance membership you can ask some other player to be your protector (use appropriate button in player info screen).  If he approved it, he become your Protector.
- You will not be able to attack each other while protectorate is in effect.
- Protector can receive a part of your resource income as levy from your town while their troops reinforcing it (up to 20%)
- You will not be able to withdraw Protector's reinforcements on your own if they consume less than half of net food income.
- Protectorate can be canceled by either side anytime (use appropriate button in player info screen).
- Protector must periodically recall his troops back to his town to deliver the levy resources and bring fresh troops back to gather more. If protector's reinforces are full of levy resources, town owner don't lose income to levy them.
- frozen at last second technology research
- crash when player info screen opened and disconnect happens
- incorrect unit grouping in unit send screen
- unable to select anything in world map after cancelling unit send screen.
- other fixes

10 years ago
10 years ago


 Sending message to global chat costs 1 Speaker Horn
- unable to send thing if target is offline
- several visual bugs with hints
- missed notifications after friend's help
- several crashes fixed
- other fixes

10 years ago
10 years ago


- server crash fixed (on change alliance slogan)
- reports wiped (need for future updates)

10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Fixed bugs related to Medieval Age
  • Corruption increased from 5% per town up to 7% per town starting from 3rd town. Also the corruption now penalizes Science Points as well, making it penalized twice (once by penalizing resources and then penalizing points earned from those resources). This should make tech-oriented people not to focus on expansion so much.
  • Awareness abilities added (no icon for now) which increase detection radius of enemy troops attacking your country and allow you to see them before they reach your border.
  • Monster stats tweaked.
  • Various minor bug fixes (like crash in Juliana conversation).
10 years ago
10 years ago


Changes outlined in the news post:

10 years ago
10 years ago


  • Cottage extra population removed
  • Hut buildings become cheaper and faster to build again
10 years ago
10 years ago
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