once you get towers and offensive troops, BOOM you instantly CAN get attacked by some bored jerks, that have nothing better do....
and what can they send to attack my town? 40 building destroying troops, followed by some spartan-looking swordsmen, i dont even have such troops.
the thing is that i am in stone age, there should be some sort of protection from higher age people that can gang up on me.
my ideas to deal with this problem are :
1) in the beggining the player should be able to build towers, without the need of unlocking technology for it, this way the player can prepare himself, before going to face the cruel world by advancing in science.
2) building and its building speed mechanics should be entirely changed - instead of the percentage of how fast you build, you get workers who can be assigned to do one or more tasks. if you assign multiple workers on upgrading/constructing a building , the time to finish it will decrease, but the resource intake will increase. There should also be a way to ''super'' upgrade the buildings, basically what it means is that, one level in upgrading can be very effective, lets just say you assign 100 workers, 100x times the ammount of resources used than regular upgrade cost,10x times the time, and then you get a super level 2 tower that has 2k hp and 30dps, you can change the values of how much ammount you place into super upgrading, and the ammount of workers used, that will lower the result ofcourse...some buildings couldnt be super-upgraded, just to balance things a little...
also i was thinking of this other new idea - you can ''upgrade'' your troops, as in terms of mastering their skills ( not weapons and armor, because you can already upgrade them.... ), so lets just say there is a level 1 Brave, then you upgrade him to be level 3, he will basically be faster, stronger, this type of upgrading is what i like to call ''mastering'', and level 3 is the maximum your troop can achieve. to master your troop you have to click on the building from where he is trained, and click to master troop/s , and yes it is possible to master multiple if you have special buildings called ''training grounds'', the more you advance through the age the less you can master in one time, meaning that you will need to keep upgrading the training grounds...