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I discovered by cheer luck on the pwa version while trying to switch browser tabs, that by pressing ctrl+tab or ctrl+shift+tab the game switched between the common chat, alliance chat and private messages, that's good to know and it seems like you bothered programming this while never telling it anywhere so probably no one was using that. Are there other useful hotkeys like that ? I know enter and escape do a lot of things, alt+enter fullscreen, but is there more ?
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Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab is a common hotkey in Windows. Here is couple more: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V :)
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I may be wrong, but I think that ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab was used so far only for tabs in web browsers, I'm pretty sure almost no one, if anyone at all, knew we could use that for tabs inside tt2. But given your answer I guess it means there is not other special hotkeys.